Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Being a White Female Liberal Democrat in Oklahoma is Not All It's Cracked Up to Be

But neither is being anything other than an old, male, straight Christian Republican.

An Oklahoma judge just did the right thing.

And is getting blasted for it.

It is no picnic being a Democrat in Bible Belt Oklahoma. Constant confrontation with assholes who preach hatred in the name of "Lord Jesus Christ." The truth though, is that they are all misogynistic assholes who want to blame their total lack of a moral compass on a book written by man. Depressing, isn't it? 

Well, here is another depressing story. A lesbian friend of mine (and get this, she hasn't even tried to hit on me, very wow--sarcasm for all of you dimwits) is having her children taken away from her just because the state of Oklahoma is so stuck in the prehistoric age that they'd rather two children be ripped from her custody and traumatized for life with abandonment issues than be raised by "the gays." How is it that grandparents can get grandparent rights but a woman who has been involved in these children's lives since Day One can't even get visitation rights? How fucked do you have to be in the head to recognize that this isn't in the best interests of anyone. It makes my skin crawl and my stomach turn to realize that this is what some "love the sinner, hate the sin" fuckheads want.

What exactly does gay marriage do to you directly? Not a damn thing. It's a religiously-fueled hatred that doesn't make a lick of sense and even if it did wouldn't fucking matter because the Constitution preaches the separation of church and state. Now because my blood is boiling from all the rage I'm trying to keep from spilling out into the masses, I'm going to share my friend's interpretation of Governor Mary Stallin's---er, Fallin's---response to the same sex marriage ruling.

"In 2004, the people of Oklahoma decided they weren't interested in equality or being decent human beings, so they blighted their state constitution by defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Sadly, 75% of Oklahoman voters supported this. Clearly, they cannot be trusted to vote in a sane manner that respects the rights and identities of all people. Henceforth, those who voted to amend the constitution to forbid same-sex marriage will have to prove they are in healthy, happy marriages in order to vote in the future. Single people and divorcees will not be permitted to vote. Those who voted for marriage equality will face no such restrictions.

Also, your governor sucks." 

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