Sunday, December 29, 2013

Then There was Favoritism

Don't get me wrong. My family is crazy and dysfunctional just like the rest of the world. But when it comes to goods and services, at least they will pay the person helping them for their time. My dad and grandma have never been the type to do their own oil changes or tires. They always take it somewhere to be done. Zach is a master at that shit. So my dad's headlight broke and he offered to pay Zach to fix it. A headlight. He offered to pay Zach to fix a headlight. That's wonderful! But then Zach starts on about how he should just bring it over to the apartment because it's stupid for him to have to go over there. 

Here's my problem with all of that:

1) He doesn't mind going out of his way to fix his sibling's/family's problems. Don't get me wrong, if he wants to do that that is fine. But I don't go soliciting his help for my family... if I ask him and he agrees to do it, then great. If not, I tell my family to go suck an egg. (Which is a lot to do considering that anytime we've needed to be bailed out of a financial situation, they've been there.)

2) It's less than a five minute drive to my dad's house. And it's at least a ten-fifteen minute drive to his family's. 

3) My dad will actually pay him for his troubles. 

I let him run off and spend six hours with his family to fix a shithole (with none other than the gratitude of his siblings/mom/dad) and a ten-fifteen minute trip to help my dad is too much for them. 

I know I shouldn't be as angry as I am. But what else am I supposed to get out of this? If anyone has the answers, feel free to enlighten me.

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