Thursday, March 6, 2014

Penicillin is the Debil

So, over the course of the past 72 hours, I've had three episodes in the hospital. Twice for strep (the second time my throat closed up on me, although now I'm beginning to understand it may have been also due to the allergy to penicillin) and the third time was for a major allergic reaction to the penicillin. I've been on it before and was fine but my God, this was awful.

The only way I could think to describe it to the ER doctor was that it felt like I had a giant, itchy sunburn that someone would scratch with burning sandpaper. God awful. It didn't help that I was dizzy and light-headed as well.

For some reason though, every time I go to the hospital, they treat me as if I had just walked in with a dirty hypodermic needle sticking out of my arm with traces of heroin and cocaine in it, possibly some blow on the inside of my nostril. I swear, I must give off this, "I'm trouble vibe." Strange thing, they don't treat me like that when I have my children with me. WHAT. THE. CRAP?!

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