Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Stigma Exists--

And it's a terrible one.

Mentally ill and physically disabled parents are still losing their children today. Not because of abuse or neglect or anything nefarious at all really. They are losing their children simply because they have a disability or illness. Now THAT is insane to me.

As a sufferer of Borderline Personality Disorder, this rings especially close to me. I worry that someday, if my oldest child's father so chose, he could come and fight me tooth and nail despite being an absent parent for six and a half years (and potentially win) all because of an emotional developmental delay that I endure. I am in therapy for it and am taking my medications diligently but it is not something that can be cured and for some reason, a "potential" problem such as mine is a lot more terrifying to a judge than the actual problem of... I don't know... absentee parents?

I've also seen a friend of mine with schizophrenia lose their child to a step-parent forever. Sure all of this is anecdata and I have exactly zero idea of the logistics and details on the case of my friend... but we can no longer say that a stigma isn't attached.

This also bring me to the next logical conclusion of, "What kind of person has a child with someone who has a mental disorder and then suddenly it's a terrible thing when it suits them for it to be?" HOW DOES THIS EVEN MAKE SENSE?! It is one thing to be lied to all day every day but if you were aware of the situation from the start then you should not be allowed to get a 90 day return policy with an extended lifetime fucking warranty!

So help me god, if we have to march on Capitol Hill to start getting the world to help instead of hinder those of us with chemical and personal imbalances...I WILL!

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